Token Utility

Token utility plays a vital role in the ONE Shogun ecosystem. Several types of tokens will be featured both before launch, and within the game. Each serves a different important function.


FTs, or fungible tokens, will be available to purchase on the web site as Pre-War Crates. These start off identical and are tradeable with both Gold and Silver varieties containing six cards each. When they are opened, a special formula is used to determine the contents of the crate. While there are guarantees of getting a metal bordered or better card in each crate, the common cards found within are not limited to a pre-defined quantity. So every crate has an equal chance of drawing every card.


There are different types of NFTs available in the ONE Shogun ecosystem. The first NFT is the original Shogun purchased as a minted collectible. There were 3500 released initially and there will be an additional 6500 released, making up the original ten thousand Shoguns – 5000 Ninjas and 5000 Samurais. Their primary purpose is to serve as Daimyos during game play and are leasable for scholarships. The next type of NFT will appear in-game, the Champion, the major player in the Daimyo’s army. Other NFT types will be released over time. All of these NFTs will serve two functions, for gameplay and as cards that can be bought, sold or traded within the in-game marketplace and external sites such as Opensea. That exchange of nfts further enhances the ONE Shogun ecosystem by increasing the overall money in the economy from royalties generated in association with the transfers.

Koku, Koban, Silk

Koku, Koban and Silk are currencies earned in game. Collectively they can be used to purchase in-game assets from the marketplace, craft Champions, and upgrade provinces. These tokens are essential to the ONE Shogun economy, as they are the primary mechanism of earning and burning within the game. The currencies have no monetary value, but may be converted to $Shogun, which is tradable via decentralized exchanges.


The final token of ONE Shogun is perhaps its most important. The $SHOGUN is the coin that brings true Play-to-Earn value to our audience by bringing real word currency into the game as players exchange fiat for $SHOGUN in order to purchase booster packs, deconstruct cards and various other functions. Players can earn it directly by placing high on leaderboards and participating in events. All three standard game currencies can be exchanged for $SHOGUN and savvy investors can also acquire it. As opposed to burning to regulate the price and supply, $SHOGUN will be able to be converted to fiat on exchanges. This is the token that will enable us to fulfill our end goal, to support the betterment of our Shogun family by providing a real way to infuse additional income into their lives.

By featuring various tokens, ONE Shogun's Play-to-Earn experience will be enriching and also promote strategies that extend well beyond the battlefield.

Decisions such as whether to convert in-game currencies in order to purchase additional Shoguns or spend it on crafting, leveling or on booster packs will be routine, and assisted by an intuitive analytical dashboard.

Value derived from the $Shogun currency will be reflected in digital exchanges and represents a true measurement of the games success.

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