Legends (Archetypes)

Legends are One Shogun’s equivalent of “genes”. They are values that determine the statistics and blessings of Champions. They also have a rock/paper/scissor interaction where one Legend might be strong against another Legend but weak against a different one. To maintain the Japanese Warring States period feel, Legends in One Shogun are based on Japanese archetypes:

Legends also determine the general feel and design of the unit. A unit that is a Swordsman might have a Samurai’s armor incorporated in its design and might have a chance to stun opposing units or a Scholar might carry a book of spells instead of a sword.

How it works

Champions have three Legends:

  • A True Legend. (Dominant)

  • A Fated Legend. (Recessive)

  • A Forgotten Legend. (Minor Recessive)

These Legends determine the Blessings the Champion might have, based on dominance. It is possible for a Champion to have two Blessings from their True Legend, or have a Forgotten Legend express itself in a Blessing.

Infantry may have Legends as well depending on the unit’s rarity, but Infantry will only have one Legend as opposed to the Champion’s three.

Gear, Tactics and Blessings do not have Legends assigned to them but can interact with units with Legends eg. A magic-based Tactics card might be stronger if the player has a unit with the Willworker Legend in play.

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